Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Large Print Sale

I am excited to announce my Lab is having a sale so I am passing on the savings! You can take 30% off any 11x14 or larger print from your 2008 or current 2009 session. If you need your event activate again, please send me an email. Again, this is for large prints only and doesn't include collages. No adjustments made on previous orders. This is valid today through February 14th.

Again, please email me with any questions.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Two great sessions yesterday

I had the opportunity to pull out a few new "toys" with my newborn yesterday. Dakota loved being in the basket...finally fell into a deep sleep.

Then I had a fun family come for pictures. Henry loved his pockets! Hannah is so beautiful!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A few from today

I had a great session today with two fun sisters. Such great personalities...made the session and proofing so enjoyable!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Miss Cassidy

Cassidy came today for her 2 year old pictures. She was a bit serious, but showed some smiles for the camera. Smiles or no smiles she is very cute! Cassidy has been a client since she was born...it is hard to believe how quickly time goes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

I have many plans for Priceless Images for the upcoming year so stay tuned. I will be posting more information in the next few weeks. One goal is to keep the blog up to date! I will be posting a few images from recent sessions to share with you.

Today Sadie came for her 6 month pictures. This is such a wonderful age...so happy and loving life! She is such a beautiful, easygoing little girl.